Research Project & Grant Management System
Question 1: What is the full form of RPMS in the Samarth Module and its importance?
Answer: Research Project & Grant management System (RPMS) covers all aspects of the management of the research project grants from the funding agency.
Question 2: How many roles are there in the module?
Answer: There are four roles in the RPMS module, namely rpms_admin, rpms_pi, rpms_accounts, and rpmsadmin_view.
Question 3: What is the difference between the accounts role and the admin role?
Answer: The Accounts Role is specially designed for the managing of accounts and finance related to the projects, whereas the Admin Role manages RPMS Settings, manages RPMS Account and Expenditure, generates Reports Like Expenditure Report and Utilisation Certificate.
Question 4: How can we add attachments regarding approval of the project?
Answer: In the module, while approving there is an option for uploading the approval document from which one can upload the document.
Manage RPMS»Projects for Approval»Click on the tick mark»Dialogue box»Upload document.
📹 RPMS Module through PI Account. ⤤ | v1
Question 5: Is there any possibility to generate a utilization certificate?
Answer: Yes, In this section, you can download the utilization certificate by filling this form for your project.
Manage rpms»Utilization Certificate»View details»mention the dates and project title»Submit»Utilization Certificate will generate.
📹 RPMS Module through PI Account. ⤤ | v1
Question 6: Who has the rpms_admin role and is there any separate login for Dean Research?
Answer: The rpms_admin role is given to the Dean Research and he will view/approve all the research projects present in the University.
Question 7: Is it mandatory to provide the project type under the module?
Answer: Yes, it is mandatory by the University.
Question 8: What is the provision to upload a utilization certificate from the admin section and download it from the PI section?
Answer: rpms_pi is able to take a printout of the Unitization Certificate, rpms_admin also downloads the Unitization Certificate on behalf of PI.
📹 RPMS Module through PI Account. ⤤ | v1
Question 9: In some cases, projects are not to be associated with the PI but coordinators, can an admin make changes for assigning, changing the coordinators, and providing the credentials while the project will be the same?
Answer: Currently, this feature is not available in our module and the University can mail for certain changes as per their need that can be forwarded to the technical team.
Question 10: Can we mention individual heads of the committee under the module?
Answer: Yes, you can make the changes under the module and mark heads as per your concern.
Question 11: Is there any provision to add more approval levels during the process?
Answer: Currently, this feature is not available in our module and the University can mail for certain changes as per their need that can be forwarded to the technical team.
Question 12: What is the provision to incorporate an endorsement letter by the Dean to the funding agency during the process?
Answer: This is an internal process and currently, this feature is not available, University can mail their suggestions and they will be forwarded to the concerned department.
Question 13: Who has the rpms_admin role and is there any separate login for Dean Research?
Answer: The rpms_admin role is given to the Dean Research and he will view/approve all the research projects present in the University.
Question 14: Is it possible to Manage Sanction Order, Account for Finance Department?
Answer: Yes all those things will be Managed by the rpms_account.
Question 15: Will PI be able to add the details of those projects which are already completed?
Answer: Yes. Click the link below to know the whole process.
📹 RPMS Module through PI Account. ⤤ | v1
Question 16: Can we mention individual heads of the committee under the module?
Answer: Yes, you can make the changes under the module and mark heads as per your concern.
Question 17: What is the provision to upload a utilization certificate from the admin section and download it from the PI section?
Answer: rpms_pi is able to take a printout of the Unitization Certificate, rpms_admin also downloads the Unitization Certificate on behalf of PI.
📹 RPMS Module through PI Account. ⤤ | v1
Question 18: Is there any provision to print the project proposal under the module?
Answer: Yes, the university can print the project proposal under the module.
📹 RPMS Module through PI Account. ⤤ | v1
Question 19: Can the admin download the Utilization Certificate after the completion of the project?
Answer: Yes, the admin can download the Utilization certificate after the completion of the project.