Fee Management System
Question 1: How many user roles are present in the Fee Module?
Answer: Fee Module has only one user role which is “fee_admin”.
Question 2: What can “fee_admin” do in the Fee Management Module?
Answer:”fee_admin” is the Fee Management Admin. This role is provided to view all the files that are navigating across the system.
Question 3: What is the meaning of “Add New Services” are?
Answer: From the “Add Fee Bifurcation”, users can divide the fee service into its components.
Question 4: What is the theme configuration?
Answer: It is only related to the Paytm gateway and themes provided by Paytm.
Question 5: Please show the fee waiver and how can we configure this for different categories?
Answer: Navigate to Programme management and then click on the particular program and go to the setting button, then we have seat and fee configuration options to particular categories (e.g. EWS) there, we have a fee waiver section. There is no provision for a fee waiver at different levels of income categories.
Question 7: Is it possible to categorize such fee waivers on the student level?
Answer: Yes, but for this, we need to create multiple entries of students for the EWS section on the basis of family income level.
Question 8: If a student selects 4 courses and a second student select 6 courses in a semester of the same program. Is the fee structure different for both students?
Answer: Yes, the Fee structure will be different for both students in the case of Course wise fee selection.
Question 9: In software, somewhere we have to define per credit fee. What will be the value per credit to calculate the fees?
Answer: We cannot map credit by fee category but we can do course-wise fee selection.