Budget & Accounts Management
Question 1: Who can add the budget head?
Answer: Ocm_admin (Budget admin) can add the budget head from the setting part. The below-mentioned steps need to be followed.
Setting » Budget Heads » Add Budget Heads » Enter the required details » Add
Question 2: How many roles exist in Budget & Account Management?
Answer: There exist two roles in Budget & Accounts Management:
- Ocm_admin Ocm_department
Question 3: How can the Budget admin generate a ledger report?
Answer: Budget admin needs to click on the ledger section and follow the below-mentioned steps.
Ledger » Organizational Unit » Budget Heads » Submit
Question 4: How can the budget admin approve the expenditure of budgets?
Answer: Budget admin needs to click on the budget expenditure section, check the status of the budget, and click on the “Action Icon” to approve. The steps are also mentioned below:
Budget management » Budget Expenditure » Action
Question 5: How can the budget admin export expenditure reports by PFMS?
Answer: Budget admin needs to click on “PFMS Integration” and follow the below-mentioned steps:
PFMS Integration » Select Organizational Unit » Year » Budget Expenditure Export
Question 6: Are the Financial Summary, Utilization Certificate, and Budget as per the government formats and annual expenditure details available in the budget and account Module?
Answer: Yes, all mentioned details are available in the module as per governemnt formats.
Question 7: Can the finance section approve all the budget requests?
Answer: Yes, the feature is available and changes can be made by the University within the module.
Question 8: What is the provision of the Accounts Section under the module?
Answer: Expense handling comes under the accounts sections and only these are available under the module.
Question 9: In certain organizations, a Rent-Free Home amount has been given to their employees. So how do we take care of that amount into the system as it will be the income of the employee?
Answer: In the Earning section, you can add head and pay the corresponding amount.
Question 10: What is the provision to add the entries of the bill under the module?
Answer: A department will be responsible for adding the entries of the bill and therefore, the admin will approve the request generated by the department through the module.
Question 11: What happens when the amount is not approved by the finance section? What is the provision for the approved date not to be more than the current date?
Answer: As per the details, the amount will not be settled and processed further by the department under expenditure.
Question 12: How do we put a consolidated pay for no pay band?
Answer: Yes, we can generate the salaries for fixed salaried employees also but for this, users need to create a salary template and rest configuration for fixed salaried employees in the settings of the Payroll Module.
Question 13: Can the Budget management module cater the Accounts module also?
Answer: Yes, it caters the accounts module also.