Screening Process (University of Delhi) - Teaching

Screening Committee Dashboard of University of Delhi

Screening Committee Members have to log in to their account and click on Teaching Recruitment Management available in the left menu.

After clicking on the Teaching Recruitment Management, they will be able to view the following information in their dashboards:-

  • Advertisement Number

  • Department Name

  • Post Name

  • Starting and Closing Date

  • Candidates Applied (Count)

  • Submitted (Submitted Application Count)

  • Total Amount (of received Fee)

Screening Process by Screening Committee Members

  • Screening members can View the list of candidates who have applied for the respective job postcode by clicking on the Department Name.

  • The Screening Committee Member has to select the View button to view the application in detail with the following information:-

  1. Form Number

  2. Summary of Point (Out Of 100, which are calculated by the System)

  3. Additional Uploads (if any)

  4. Personal Details

  5. Academic Qualifications

  6. Other/Additional Qualification

  7. Full-time Teaching Experience

  8. Full-time Research/Industry Experience

  9. Associate, Research Scientist, etc.

  10. Present Employment Details

  11. Research Papers in Peer-Reviewed or UGC listed Journals

  12. Awards

  13. Miscellaneous Information

  14. Languages Known

  15. No Objection Certificate

  16. Declaration

Recruitment DU Screening
  • Screening members can print the summary of the application by clicking on Print Application button. They can perform the following actions by clicking on the Action button:-
  1. Start Screening

  2. Update Status

  • After selecting the Start Screening option, the Screening Committee Member will be able to see the following three sections to verify and mark their remarks.
  1. Academic Qualifications

  2. Full-time Teaching Experience

  3. Research Papers in Peer-Reviewed or UGC listed Journals.

Note: The Screening Committee Member has to verify all details uploaded documents by clicking on the view button and adding their marks and remarks accordingly.

  1. The screening committee should proceed to the next section only after saving all the comments and marks by clicking on Save.

  2. It is mandatory to put Screening Committee Points in order to be considered in total marks by the screening committee else it will be treated as zero.

After the screening of the Research Section click on the Finish Screening button to finish the screening process for the respective candidate.

Finishing the Screening for a Candidate

When the screening members click on the Finish Screening button, a form will appear on the screen, where following information needs to be entered:-

  1. Verification Code: The Screening members need to enter the numeric value of the form number. It is mentioned in the brackets after the Finish Screening heading.

  2. Name of Screening Committee Members: The Screening Committee Members have to enter their names.

  3. Change Status: Screening Committee Members can change the status of their application via this option.

  4. Remarks: Here the committee members can add remarks accordingly.

After entering the aforementioned details, the Committee Member has to save details and finish the screening process by clicking on the Save button.

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