Admin Portal for Non-teaching Recruitment

Document TitleNon-Teaching Recruitment Management Guide
Document NumberRECNT - 001
Effective DateJuly 2019
Author(s)Senior Analyst, Employee
Approved bySenior Manager, Operations
Approval DateSeptember 13, 2024


Non-Teaching Recruitment Management System enables the University to conduct online recruitment with ease of application and tracking. The system also consists of various reports which can be used at the time of application scrutiny and screening.

The portal consists following sections:

  1. Dashboard

  2. Advertisement

  3. All Application

  4. Candidate

  5. Reports

  6. Settings


  8. Payment Reconciliation

  9. Payment Gateway

  10. Mail Template

1. Dashboard

Admin can view the total no of vacancies, total no of candidates registered, no of the submitted application, and in-process applications with their count.

Configuring the Settings of the Recruitment Management System

After clicking on Settings, the admin has to configure the below-mentioned settings as per the advertisement, which is to be published:

1. Department:

In this field, all the departments that are being added to the Organization unit will get listed.

  • The admin can refresh the departments by clicking on the Add Department button. and can also update the departments by clicking on the pencil icon.


In this field, all the posts related to non-teaching recruitment will get listed.

  • The admin can add a new post by clicking on the Add Post button present on the top right side of the portal and filling in the required details:

Name: Mentione the post name like, assistant registrar, technical assistant, UDC etc. Code: In this section admin can add the short code of the post Status: Select the status as active.


In this setting, the pre-added social categories will get listed.

  • The admin can add the new categories by clicking the Add Category button if required. The pre-added categories can also be updated using the update button.

4.PWD Category:

In this setting, all the pre-added PWD categories will be listed.

  • The admin can add a new category by clicking on the “Add PWD Category” button if required.

5.State List:

  • In this setting, the list of pre-added states will appear. The admin can add a new state by clicking on the “Add State” button.

6.Country List:

  • In this setting, the list of the pre-added countries will appear. The admin can add a new country by clicking on the Add Country button.


In this setting, the pre-added degree list will appear. The admin can add a new degree by clicking on the Add Degree button

8.NET Subject:

In this setting, the pre-added NET Subject list will appear.

  • The admin can add a new degree by clicking on the Add NET Subject button and updating the existing subject by clicking on the pencil icon.

9.Screening Committee:

  • In this setting, the user accounts provided to the screening committee members will be mapped for the respective job postcode.

  • The admin can add a screening committee member by clicking on the Add Screening Committee button and selecting the job vacancy and user name to map the screening committee member to the respective job postcode.

  • The admin can also use the Activate or Deactivate button available against each screening committee member to activate or deactivate a screening committee.

Note: The respective Screening Committee Member will only be able to see the applications for the assigned job postcode.

10. Content Pages:

  • In this setting, the admin will be able to create a content page through HTML syntax, which will get mapped with the Candidate Portal under the Important Information Section.

  • Admin can add a content page by clicking on the “Add Content Page” button present on the top right side of the portal and filling in the required details:

    • Page Name
    • Page Content (HTML Code)
    • Status (Active/Inactive)
  • The admin can also edit the created content page by clicking on the pencil icon available against each content page.

11. Print Application Summary Settings:

  • In this setting, the admin will be able to configure the columns that will be visible in the application summary.

12. Job Post Additional Fields:

  • n this setting, the admin will be able to configure the Additional Fields by the Create Additional Field button, which will get added to all job-post codes.

  • After clicking on the button, add the details of the Additional Field, such as the Name, Type, Label, and if it is mandatory or not.

13. Application Status List:

  • In this setting, all status of applications that are in the system will be visible. If the admin wants to add any other status, it can be added using the Create Application Status button.

Steps to Configure the Advertisement in the Administrative Portal of the Non-Teaching Recruitment Management System:

Step 1: Login into the admin portal of the university with the user account associated with the non_teaching_recruitment_admin user role.

Step 2: Go to the Recruitment tab and select Non-Teaching Recruitment Management to launch the module.

  • Once the user clicks on the module, a dashboard will appear on the screen, which reflects the overall statistics of the module.

Step 3: Go to Settings and configure all the details related to the Recruitment Management module.

Note Only the admin with the rights of “non_teaching_recruitment_admin” can view and access the module settings.

Step 4: Go to the Advertisement section and click on the Add Advertisement button to add a new advertisement in the system.

Step 5: Once an advertisement is created, the admin has to click on the View Post button and add all job postcodes by clicking the Add Post button.

Step 6: After configuration of the individual job postcodes, the admin has to click on the Publish Button to make the respective posts live on the candidate portal.

Adding an Advertisement and Job Postcodes:

Adding an Advertisement The admin can add a new advertisement by clicking on the “Add Advertisement” button present on the top right side of the portal and filling in the following details:

  • Advertisement Number: Mentioned on the Advertisement.
  • Title: The title of the advertisement.
  • Name of the newspaper in which the advertisement appeared.
  • Website URL for Advertisement.
  • Advertised in different departments of University?: Yes for the teaching position and No for the non-teaching positions.
  • Description: Description of the advertisement (if any).
  • Date of Advertisement: Date on which the advertisement starts.
  • Status: To be kept in ‘Draft’ until the entire advertisement is ready to be published.
  • Advertisement Start Date: The date on which the advertisement will start receiving the applications.
  • Advertisement Close Date: The date on which the advertisement will stop receiving the applications.

Admin can view the advertisement details by clicking on the View Icon and updating/editing the details by clicking on the Pencil Icon.

Add Job Postcodes:

  • The admin can click on the view button to view and add the job postcodes in the respective advertisement
  • The job postcode can be added using the Add Post button and configuring the required details:
  • Post: (select from the drop-down that shows the added posts)
  • Department: (select from the drop-down, which shows all the departments added to the Organization Unit)
  • Session: (the Year of Recruitment)
  • Start Date: (select the start date and time of application from the calendar)
  • Close Date: (select the last date and time of application from the calendar)
  • Job Post Code: (mentioned in the advertisement)
  • how Status of Application to Candidates: (Select Yes/No)
  • Show Screening Comments and Marks/Score of Application to Candidates: (Select Yes/No)
  • Send email notification automatically on status change: (select Yes/ No)
  • Fee Exemption due to the Previous Advertisement: (select Yes/ No)
  • Can the candidate apply under multiple categories from a single application?: (select Yes/ No)
  • Reference date for age calculation: (select date from the calendar; it can be the last date of application)
  • Fee exemption due to previous advertisement: (select Yes/No from the drop-down)
  • Previous Advertisement No: (if any, to provide Fee Exemption)
  • Can the candidate apply multiple categories from a single application: (select No/ Yes)
  • Fix Fee for all Categories or Individual Fee for all Categories: (Fix/Multiple under a single application number)
  • Minimum Work Experience (Year): (Enter the required minimum experience in integer form)
  • Minimum Work Experience (Months): (Enter the required minimum experience in integer form)
  • Age Relaxation for Government Employees (in Year): Enter the number of years in integer form
  • Type of Age Relaxation for Ex-Servicemen (in Year): Select Fixed/Service + Fixed Years/Equivalent to Service only
  • Age Relaxation for Ex-Servicemen (in year): Enter the number of years in integer form.
  • Fee Relaxation Internal: Select No/Yes
  • Select Marital Status for Women: To give age relaxation to the women candidates based upon their marital status: select Single/ Married/ Divorced/ Separated/ Widowed.
  • Age Relaxation for Women (with selected marital status): Enter the number of years in integer form. It should be comma (,) separated if multiple-age relaxation is to be given based upon the marital status.
  • Required Details in Educational Qualification: (mark Yes if required, else mark No).
  • Eighth Required
  • Tenth Required
  • Twelfth Required
  • UG Required
  • PG Required
  • Mphil Required
  • Ph.D. Required
  • Additional School Qualification Visible (Select Yes/ No)
  • Additional School Qualification Mandatory (Select Yes/ No)
  • Additional School Qualification Label
  • Name of mandatory language
  • Upload for languages (Select Yes/ No)

Upload required section: Mark Yes if required, else mark No.

  • Upload Photograph of Candidate
  • Upload Signature of Candidate
  • Upload Date of Birth Proof
  • Upload PwD Certificate
  • Upload Category Certificate
  • Upload of NOC
  • Upload for Experience

Extra Field Settings:

  • Religion: Select Yes/No
  • Is religion mandatory: Select Yes/No

Admin can configure the post details and click on the Save button to save the configured details. Note After configuring the details, click on the Configure Opening Button to configure the vacancy count and age for all categories.

  • The admin will add the number of vacancies available against each social category along with the minimum and maximum age.

  • After configuration, the details can also be updated before publishing the advertisement by the Update button.

  • After the configuration of vacancies and age, scroll down and click on the Update Button for the configuration of the category-wise registration fee.

Publish: Admin can publish the post by clicking the clicking the Publish button to make it visible on the Candidate Portal by entering the following details:

  • Start Date: (Select the live date and time from the calendar)
  • End Date: (Select the closing date and time from the calendar)
  • Remarks: (if any)

Pausing and Updating the Job Post Code:

  • The admin can pause the published advertisement in case of any amendment to be made regarding the vacancy count, date, etc. from the Pause button of the respective job postcodes.

  • After changing the respective details, the admin can click on the Publish radio button to relive the advertisement on the candidate portal.

  • After clicking on the button, enter the remarks and click Publish to re-publish the advertisement.

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