Employee Management - Admin


This module helps in managing the Teaching and Non-Teaching employees in the university. Admin can search for any employee details from the options provided and can also see the reports of employees distributuin either category or gende wise.



Login into the portal with the Username and the Password provided. The admin has the following three sections:

  • Dashboard

  • Employee

  • Settings

Click on the Dashboard section on the left to view current employees captured in the System.

Here, on the Dashboard Employee admin will be able to view details department-wise and school-wise.

A count of Employees will display. Click on View Details. It opens the “Employees” screen where a list of employees populates with the option to Edit, View, and Add a New Employee.

Add Employee

Click on Add New Employee button. Each field has to be furnished with the required information.

  1. Service Cadre: Teaching or Non-Teaching.

  2. Organization Unit: List of Organisation Units mapped to University. To customize Organisation Units, Check at Setting –> Organisation Units.

  3. Designation: List of Designations mapped to selected Organisation Units. To customize Designation, Check at Setting –> Designation.

  4. Category: Choose the Category under this option.

  5. Employee Name: Name of Employee in English and Hindi.

  6. Employee Code: Code is given to employees as per University records.

  7. Nature of Employment: It can be customized at Employee –> Setting –> Nature of Employment.

Fill in all mandatory fields and save the record. Employee record created and it starts to display in List of Employee.

View Employee Profile

To view, Employee Profile clicks on the view button provided in front of the employee.

The complete summary of the employee profile can be seen through the view option. Additionally, we can print the complete profile of the employee through the print button provided.

Edit Employee Profile

To update other details like Photo, University Assignments, Academic, Career Profile, Research Profile, Patents and Consultancy, Membership & Association details of an Employee, Click on the edit link for an employee in the list of Employee.

Upload Photo

Click on the upload icon (marked by arrow) to upload the employee’s photograph. Browse the image and upload.

University Assignments

To input details of the assignment of an employee, click on assign employee assignment. To modify/update assignment details, click on the update button.

An Employee admin has access to update employee assignments.

Update Academic Details

  1. Undergraduate Details: Under this section, the User has to fill the Under Graduation details as shown in the below form Users can alter or delete the details as required.

  2. Post-Graduate Details: In this section, the same form will pop-up as in the previous section, where the user has to fill the PG details.

  3. M. Phil. Details: Clicking on Add M.Phil details will allow the user to “Add M.Phil details”.

  4. D. Sc. Details: Users can add Doctor of Science details using the option “Add D.Sc”.

  5. D. Lit. Details: Doctor of Literature details can be added using the button “Add D.Lit Details”.

Option to Add, Update and Delete any details is provided.

Career Profile

In career Profile, users input details related to the below section such as: Users can add past or present working details here.

  1. Time Table Details: In this section, the user can provide the details of the timetable and the subject taught by him**.**

  2. E-Learning Resource Details: E-resources details can be added here if any.

  3. Administrative Experience Details: If the user has any administrative experience, it can be shared here.

  4. Industrial/Technical/ Research Experience Details If the user has any Industrial, technical or Reaseach experience, it can be shared here.

Option to Add Details, Update and Delete is provided.

Research Supervision

Here details related to research supervision is to be captured. Click on Add to Add details.

PhD Awarded Details

The number of PhD awarded and the subject in which PhD is awarded can beadded here:

PhD Submitted Details

Number of PhD submitted and the subject on which Ph.D. has been submitted can be mentioned here.

PhD Ongoing Details

If the user is currently pursuing PhD then ongoing PhD details will be mentioned here.

Research Publication Profile - 1

In this section, the following details are to be filled:

  1. Published Research Articles/Papers in Journals/ Other Reputed Journals notified by UGC

  2. Publications Other than Journal Articles

  3. Fellow of the Academies

  4. Fellowship

  5. Honour and Award

  6. Extension Activities

Options to Add, Update and Delete are provided.

Research Publication Profile - 2

In this section, the following details are to be filled in:

  1. Workshops/Seminars on Intellectual Property Rights(IPR)

  2. Talk/Poster presented in the Conferences/Workshops

  3. Financial Support from the University of Delhi for conference/workshops/seminars

  4. Financial Support from the University of Delhi for membership

  5. Financial Support from the University of Delhi for publication

  6. Research Projects

Patents and Consultancy

In this section user inputs all the project’s patent details, Seed money for Research, and consultancy details are filled in.

Membership & Association

To capture the details of employee’s memberships and associations.

  1. Add Association with any professional bodies.

  2. Add Contribution to MoU

  3. Add Collaborative Activities.

  4. Add mentor to Students

  5. Add Participation in the development of E-Content

  6. Add Professional Development Programs

Input Employee details or Filter using the options provided in the provided list.


Nature of Employment and Disability Status can be customized.

Nature of Employment Status

Admin can add the nature of Employment as required. In the settings page, there is an option to Add Employment Nature, by clicking on that a form will appear in which Nature of Employment can be filled.

Disability Options

Disability options can be customized as per the requirement. In the settings page there is an option to Add Disability Options, which will open the form in which Disability options can be added.

Once added, Disability options and Employment Nature type will reflect in the drop-down list in the Employee Record form.

Employee Additional Parameters

Employee Additional Parameters can be customized as per the requirement. In the settings page there is an option to Add Employee Additional Parameters, through which any additional details can be sought from the employee.

Once added, Additional Information will reflect at the bottom of the Employee Record form.


Roles in Employee Management

Role NameDescription
hrprofile-adminThis role is to be provided to the admin of the module who can add and update all employee details and can also export employee data.
employeeThis role is assigned to each employee who can view and update his own profile only.

Workflow Diagrams

Activity Diagram


Use Case Diagram


External Resources

📹 Module Training Video ⤤ | v1 - How to add bulk Employee Details on Samarth Portal

📹 Module Training Video ⤤ | v2 - How to Export Employees from Samarth HR Profile

📹 Module Training Video ⤤ | v3 - How to provide Employee Profile Update Permission to an Employee on Samarth Portal of University

📹 Module Training Video ⤤ | v4 - Update HR Profile for Employee (English)

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