Career Advancement Scheme


Samarth’s CAS module allows employees to apply for career advancement schemes under

  • Annual Performance Appraisal System (APAR)
  • Performance Based Appraisal System (PBAS)
  • Career Advancement Scheme Based Appraisal System (CAS)



It shows the overview of the applications received for career advancement.


This section contains the configuration detail related to the CAS module.

Only the admin with the rights of cas_admin can view and access it.


In this field, all the sessions are created/updated.

Admin can add a new session by clicking on the Create session button present on the top right side of the portal and fill in the required details:

  • Session Name

  • Type (PBAS/APAR/CAS)

  • Start Date Time

  • End Date Time

  • App Status (OPEN / CLOSE)

  • Session From

  • Session To

  • Status (Active / In-active)

Admin can only view the details by clicking on view icon available in front of every entry.

Admin can edit/update the details by clicking on the edit icon available.

APAR Application

In this section, the admin has the following options:

All Application

In this section, all Employees are visible to the admin.

Process Application

Admin can initiate the process application by clicking on the process Application icon present against each employee profile and fill in the required details:-

  • Employee Name

  • Designation

  • Date of Birth

  • Category

  • Group (choose from dropdown)

  • Whether Belong to SC/ST? (Yes / No)

  • Whether permanent/temporary/officiating

  • Sections Served

  • Length Of Service Under Reviewing Officer

  • Date of continuous appointment

  • Employee Validity Date

  • Reporting Officer Validity Date

  • Reviewing Officer Validity Date

Forward the application to Employee

Admin can forward the application to employees by clicking on the “continue and forward to employee” button. Once forwarded , the employee needs to fill the form before the employee validity date.

Forward the application to Reporting Officer

The employee can forward the application to their reporting officer by clicking on “continue and forward” button. Once forwarded , the reporting officer needs to give their scores and remarks before the reporting officer validity date.

Forward the application to Reviewing Officer

The reporting officer can forward the application to the reviewing officer by clicking on “continue and forward” button. Once forwarded , the reviewing officer needs to give their scores and remarks before the reviewing officer validity date.

Once the reviewing officer give their remarks and scores then the review officer need to final submit the application by clicking on “continue and submit” button.

Now the review officer and the employee can download and print their application.

Track Application

Admin can track the Application by clicking on the “application Tracking” button.

View application

Admin can view the Application by clicking on the "eye"' button.

PBAS AND CAS Application

Samarth’s CAS module allows employees to apply for promotion under the career advancement scheme.

The PBAS AND CAS envisages an expert assessment system constituted with as a Screening Committee for placement of Assistant Professor Stage 1 to Stage 2, Stage 2 to Stage 3 and a Selection committee for Stage 3 to Stage 4 and Stage 4 to Stage 5, respectively.

Create a PBAS AND CAS Application

  • The user with the cas_employee role can create a PBAS and CAS application by clicking the create application button.

  • After clicking on the create application, button employee needs to add his basic details.

  • After adding the basic information, the employee needs to click on the proceed button then academic details.

  • The primary and academic details of the employee are mandatory to proceed to the next step by clicking on the proceed button addition to these, if any employee wants to update the details employee can click on the update profile button.

  • Teaching details need to fill in the HR profile of the employee; then, the employee needs to upload the documents as proof and add the score as per the guidelines.

Then the employee needs to click on the proceed button to complete the research profile tab.

  • If the employee worked on the research, only those persons need to update the details in the HR profile and upload the document and claimed score if any research-related papers are there.

  • The other details need to fill in the HR profile tab, update the documents and claimed scores about the details, proceed to the next step, and preview the application and submit the application.

Forward the application to HOD

  • On the application preview right side, a blue button exists to forward the application to the HOD; an employee needs to forward his application to the HOD and check the status as and when required.

Approval of the HOD

  • The forwarded application will reach the HOD login where he/she can view the forwarded application by clicking on view button and can process the application by clicking on process button and can either approve and forward the application to Dean or can Request Resubmission from the employee with their remarks.

There is also a provision of Application Tracking where the administrative user can click on track button to track the application.

Approval of the Dean

The forwarded application by the HOD will reach the Dean login where user can view the forwarded application by clicking on view button and can process the application by clicking on Process Application button and can either Approve and Forward the application to IQAC or can Request Resubmission with their remarks.

The administrative user can also click on track button to track the application.

Approval Of IQAC

The forwarded application by the Dean will reach the IQAC login where user can view the forwarded application by clicking on view button and can process the application by clicking on Process Application button and can either Approve and Forward the application to Dean Academics or can Request Resubmission with their remarks.

The administrative user can also click on track button to track the application.

Review Application by Dean Academics

The forwarded application by the IQAC will reach the Dean Academics login where they can view the forwarded application by clicking on viewbutton and can start the screening by clicking on edit button.

The administrative user with a cas_admin role can provide the IQAC score against the claimed score with his/her remarks and submit the application and finish screening by clicking on Submit and Finish Screening button.

After finishing the screening process, the Dean Academics can either update the screening score or Finish Review.

After the application is reviewed, the Dean Academics can print the application by clicking on print button.


There will be five types of logins:-

1: cas_admin

2: cas_reporting_officer

3: cas_reviewing_officer

4: cas_iqac

5: **cas_employee_**


can configure the setting, Monitor, and forward the APAR/PBAS/CAS applications.

Steps to be followed

1: Login as cas_admin to view the CAS dashboard.

2: Click on the settings section to first configure the CAS-related details.

3: Click on the settings icon to configure the sessions.

4: To understand how to configure settings, go to the Settings.

5: To create/view/print an application form, go to the APAR/PBAS/CAS Application.


Can view the forwarded APAR/PBAS/CAS applications and can forward them to reviewing officer.


Can view the forwarded application by a reporting officer and can forward them to the IQAC admin.


Can approve the application or can revert the applications.


Can update applications and can forward the application to the reporting officer or cas_admin.

Steps to be followed

1: Login as CAS_Employee to view the CAS module.

2: To update/view/print an application form, go to the APAR/PBAS/CAS Application.

3: To view/update the submitted application form status, go to the Track Application.

Workflow Diagrams

Activity Diagram


Use Case Diagram


📹 Module Training Video ⤤

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