User Administration


  • User Management module allows the administrator to manage users, roles, permissions, system roles, and application modules.

  • One must be logged in as an administrator to manage a user management module.

  • User administration describes the ability of admins to manage Role-Based User Access. It is a core part and basic security essential for an Organization.

  • User administrator enables admins to control role-based access to onboard users.

Accessing the User Management

Steps to be followed to access the Samarth User Management:

1: Log in to the Samarth Portal on your System (Desktop/Laptop) with valid credentials.

2: Go to the Settings menu and click on User Management.

Note: This section contains the configuration details related to the User Management module. Only the admin with the role Settings can view and access it.

User Administration

The following options are available under Settings » User Management:

  • Dashboard

  • Add New Account

  • All Users

  • User Roles Mapping

  • Permissions

  • System Roles

  • Roles-Permission Mapping

  • Settings


The User Administration Dashboard shows the count for the following:

  • Add New User Account

  • All User

  • User Role-Mapping

  • Permissions

  • System Roles

  • Assign Permission to Roles

  • Modules

User Administration Dashboard

Add New Account

Module admin can create a new account by clicking on the Add New Account section and fill in the required details:

  • Type of Account: Employee or Administrator-depends on the user’s designation for which the account is being created

  • Account Association: Type Employee Name initials and all details will be fetched from Employee. All the details should be filled for administrative purposes

  • Username: Username of the new account to be created

  • Mobile Number: Valid contact number

  • Email: Valid e-mail address of the user

  • Password: Will be used to login into the account

  • 2-Factor Authentication: Whenever a user login into the portal user receives a verification code on registered email.

  • The radio button for Send Sign-in Information over email.

  • The radio button for Ask for Password changes on the first login.

Administrative Account should be as per the administrative designation.

After filling in all the required details correctly, click on the Add User button to create a new user account.

Note: Before creating a user account, make sure that the employee is added to employee management.

All Users

In this section, the admin can see all user accounts and the related details in a list. Admin can also update, delete, relieve or lock any account.

An Administrator can also perform the following activities:

  • Invite Mail

Admin can invite the user to login into the Samarth Portal through an email.

  • E-mail

Admin can compose an email and send it to the users.

  • Forced Reset password

Admin can force reset the password for a user account using this option.


Admin can view the details by clicking on the View icon available in front of every entry.

The View Button has the following options:

  • Reset Password

  • Invite Mail

  • Change Details

Reset Password

Using this button, the administrator can reset the password for the user account which is being viewed.

An admin can click on Yes to auto-generate the password.

If the admin has clicked on No, the new password and its confirmation need to be done manually.

Note: The manually entered password should obey the following guidelines:

  • Password must be between 6-20 characters

  • Must include at least one Uppercase letter (Ex: A-Z)

  • Must include at least one Lowercase letter (Ex:a-z)

  • Must include one Numeric digit (Ex: 0-9)

Once a password is reset for a user account, an email will be sent to the registered email address.

The Employee needs to click the link mentioned in the email to reset the password.

Change Details

The Administrator can change User Account details by clicking on the Change Details button in the View section by adding/updating the required changes.

User Role Mapping

In this section, users can be permitted based on their roles. This is an integral part as it gives authorization to the users.

Setting a role for the user will give them access to all the modules that come under that role. If we set the wrong role, the user would be given access to details/modules, otherwise inaccessible.

Assign Role to User

Steps to modify the roles to the user:

1: Select the user/s from the list by clicking on the checkbox.

2: Click on the Assign Roles to User button present at the top right side.

3: Select the role from the dropdown and click on the Assign button.

Modify User Role

Steps to modify the roles to the user:

1: Select the user/s from the list by clicking on the checkbox.

2: Click on the Modify User Role button present in front of every user.

3: A pop-up will appear, showing all the roles assigned to the selected user/s on the left side and the rest of the roles available on the right side.

4: Add a new role, click on the checkbox against the role required to be given to that particular user and click on the Save button.

5: To remove the roles follow the same steps(1-3) as mentioned above and remove the tick from the checkbox against the role required to be drawn and click on the Save button.


In this section, all the permissions are created and defined. Then, the existing permissions can be updated or deleted using the Update or Delete button. It can add new permissions in the system by clicking the Add New Permission button on the top right of the screen.

Adding New Permission

Permissions are pre-defined in the Samarth system against each module. Although while implementing a new feature in any module, Admin can add new permission by clicking on the Add New Permission button and fill in the required details:

Note: The permission name format must follow the guidelines on the screen.

System Roles

Samarth modules work on RBAC, i.e., Role-Based Access Control mechanism. To assign a role to a user, first, we need to define Roles and Permissions. In this section, all Application Roles defined in the system will get listed on the screen. The Administrator can click on the View, Update and Delete button for performing individual actions.

New System Roles can also be added after clicking the Add New System Role button present on the right top side of the screen.

Note: The individual role setting module-wise can be viewed using the Gear button present in the action column.

Following are details that can be viewed by the module admin:

  • Role name

  • List of permissions in module-wise

  • Count of permissions granted to the particular role

An administrator can grant/revoke the permissions by clicking on the checkbox.

Add New System Role

Samarth module comes up with predefined roles for respective processing operations. However, based on the University policy, Admin can also add a new role by clicking on the Add New Application Role button and fill in the required details:

  • Module Name

  • Name

  • Description

  • Date

It also has the option to select:

  • Spam

  • Privacy

  • Security

  • Configuration

  • Data Loss

After adding all requirements, click on the Add button.

Roles-Permission Mapping

In this section, Admin can manage the roles/permission which is already mapped to a role. Further, that role will be assigned to the users, so it is mandatory to select the permissions for the roles very carefully as any wrong selection will authorize that role extra permission, and that will give the user access to the details that are not authorized for his/her specified role.


Steps to modify the roles/permission:

1: Select the role name from the list.

2: Click on the Modify Role Permission button present in front of the role.

3: A pop-up will appear, which will show all the permission assigned to the selected role on the left side and the rest of the roles/permission available on the right side.

4: To map new permission, click on the checkbox against the permission required to be given to that particular role and click on the Save button.

5: To remove the roles follow the same steps(1-3) as mentioned above and remove the Tick from the checkbox against the permission required to be drawn and click on the Save button.


The Settings section have options related to emails and information being sent while creating the user account or updating the account passwords.

 User Administration Settings


Roles in User Administration

Role NameDescription
setting_adminMapped with this permission, users can configure the setting, create a new account, assign it, role assign roles, etc.
super_adminMapped with this permission, users can add permission, system roles, map the permission role to roles, etc.

Workflow Diagrams

Activity Diagram

User Administration Activity Diagram

Use Case Diagram


External Resources

📹 Module Training Video ⤤

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