Thesis Management System

Document TitleThesis Management System
Document NumberOTS-001
Author(s)Manager, Product
Approved bySenior Manager, Operations
Last Update DateMarch 1st, 2025

About the module

Thesis Submission Module is designed to streamline the thesis submission and approval process for research students, supervisors, and administrators.

Key functionalities of the module include:

Student Thesis Submission: Allows students to submit their thesis and required documents digitally.
Supervision & Approval Process: Supports multiple roles, including Supervisors, Co-Supervisors, Heads of Departments (HoDs), Examiners, and Board of Research Studies (BRS) members, each with defined responsibilities.
Progress Report Tracking: Enables periodic submission and approval of progress reports (Bi-monthly, Semester, Annual).
Configurable Approval Stages: Institutes can define and modify approval stages as per their requirements. Email Notifications & Logs: Automated email notifications are sent to relevant stakeholders at various stages, with logs available for tracking communications.


  • Departments/OUs and Programmes must be configured in the Academics module.
  • The necessary student data should be imported into the Samarth portal, &/or the student portal access must be active for the students.

User Roles

S.No.User/ RoleOccupancyMandatory/Non-mandatory
1Research Admin/ research_adminSingleMandatory
2Supervisor/ supervisorSingleMandatory
3Co-Supervisor/ co_supervisorMultipleNon-Mandatory
4Advisory committee member/ co_supervisorMultipleNon-Mandatory
5Examiner/ examinerMultipleMandatory
6Head of Department (HoD)/ hodSingleMandatory
7Board of Research Studies (BRS)/ brsSingleMandatory
8Controller of Examination (CoE) - Dealing Assistant/ dealingAssistantSingleMandatory

Module workflow

Attached below is the module workflow for thesis management system:

Activity Diagram

Home > Academics (left-hand panel) > Research Management*

Go to the Samarth portal. On the ‘Home’ Page, click on the ‘Academic’ tile in the Left-Hand panel.

Thesis Module Navigation

Now, click on ‘Research Management’ to open the module.

Module Navigation

Configuration Steps

Before using the module, certain configurations need to be done in the ‘Settings’ menu.


Types of Uploads

The uploads required from the students can be added, by defining their applicability, require status, etc.

Type of Uploads

Form Template

The various forms as required from the students can be added.

Form Templates

Research Supervision Member Type

The required supervision member types can be added - Supervisor, Co-Supervisor, etc.

Supervision member types

Research Approval Stages

The Approval stages can be created as per the institute’s requirement & the Thesis Submission process. The order of the stages can be reordered.

Reasearch approval hierarchy

Email Templates

The templates of the several mails sent can be viewed & edited.

Email templates

Type of Progress Report

The required types of progress report (Bi-monthly, Semester, Annual) can be added.

Progress report types

Progress Report Type Period Master

The period required for the progress report reviewal can be configured.

Progress report Master

User Role Mapping

Various users with their respective roles (supervisor, hod, etc.) can be mapped.

User roles mapping

Various Provisions in the module


The list of all the students enrolled in a PhD or Doctoral programmes will be fetched & listed here.

Reasearch admin dashboard

Progress Report Approval

The various details regarding the Progress report (Student details, Report, Submit & Approval status, etc.) can be viewed

Progress report approval 1

Thesis Listing

The details regarding the processing status of the submitted thesis can be viewed & tracked.

Thesis Listings

Thesis Approval

The status regarding the thesis processing, approval & examiner consent can be viewed.

Thesis Approval

Email Logs

The logs details regarding the various emails sent, such as the consent mail sent to the examiner(s).

Email logs

Student side

The students can access the Thesis Submission module on their student portals. Click on the ‘Thesis Submission’ option present in the Left-hand panel.

Student dashboard

Student dashboard 1

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