Evaluation & Grading


Evaluation & Grading module provides the structured interpretation and outcome of evaluations for students of the University, along with the planned schedule programme-wise, course-wise, exporting the relevant reports etc.


The dashboard of Evaluation & Grading captures the following details:-

  • All Evaluators

  • Programme Evaluators

  • Add Programme Evaluators

  • Report

Dashboard - Evaluation & Grading

Prerequisites of Evaluation & Grading

Configuration of following have to be completed:-

  • Programme Management

  • Academic Settings

  • Student-Course mapping

Examination (Evaluation) Settings Configuration

Configuration of Evaluation & Grading

Admin can configure the Evaluation & Grading Module by below-mentioned steps:-

  • Launch Academic Module

  • Launch Examination

  • Select the Examination Settings

Add Evaluation Assessment Types

The Evaluation Assessment types can be used for defining type and property of the Course Component. The Course Components will therefore be reflected in the Marksheet.

Steps for Configuration:

  1. Click on the Add Evaluation Assessment Type button on the Examination Setting page.

  2. Admin can View and Add a new Evaluation Assessment Type page.

  3. Following details have to be filled by Admin:-

    • Fill Assessment ID

    • Fill Assessment Code

    • Fill Assessment Name

    • Select whether Assessment is Aggregate or not

    • Select the Assessment status

    • Add a description

Click on Save button to update the assessment.

Evaluation Division Group

The Evaluation Division Group is the function by which the Division system of Admin can be assigned. For example: The Range for First, Second and Third Division (For Credit/Percentage)

Steps of Configuration of Evaluation Division Group

  1. Click on the cog/gear button of Evaluation Division Group on the Examination Settings page.

  2. The admin can add the evaluation division group by clicking on the Add Eval Division Group button present on the top left-hand side.

  3. Fill in the following details:

    • Select group Name

    • Add lower Boundary (lowest marks for the Division)

    • Add Grade letters (like O, A+, A, B, etc.)

    • Add Name

    • Hit the save button

Admin can Update the Evaluation Division by clicking on the pencil icon present.

Evaluation Grade Letters

By this function, admin will be assigned with the role to generate Grading System (Grade A,B,C etc.) for Evaluation.

Steps for configuration of Evaluation Grade Letters:

  1. Click on the cog/settings button of the Evaluation Grade letter on the Examination Settings page.

  2. The admin can add the evaluation grade letter by clicking on the Add Evaluation Grade Letters button present on the top left-hand side.

  3. Then admin needs to fill in the following details:

    • Select Group Name

    • Add Lower Boundary (lowest marks for the Division)

    • Add Letter (like A, B, etc.)

    • Add Point

    • Add Name

Click on Save button to get the updates

Admin can Update the Evaluation Grade Letter by clicking on the pencil icon present.

Programme Division Group

The Programme Division Group is the function by which the admin can map the division group to Programme.

Steps for configuration

  1. Click on the cog button of Programme Division Group on the Examination Settings page.

  2. The admin can add the Programme Division Group by clicking on the Add Programme Division Group button present on the top left-hand side.

  3. Then select the following details:

  4. Programme

  5. Division Group

  6. Click on Save button to get the updates

Admin can update the Programme Division Group by clicking on the pencil button present.

Programme Grading Group

The Programme Grading group is the function by which the admin can map the grading group to Programme.

Steps for configuration

  1. Click on the cog/settings button of Programme Grading Group on the Examination Settings page.

  2. The admin can add the Programme Grading Group by clicking on the Add Programme Grading Group button present on the top left-hand side.

  3. Then select the following details:-

    • Select Programme

    • Select Division Group

Click on Save button to get the updates

Admin can Update the Programme Grading Group by clicking on the pencil icon present.

  • Add Examination Cycle

  • Add Examination Session

  • Activate/Published Programmes in the Examination Session

  • Select the following options:-

    • Examination Session for which configuration has to be done

    • Add Programme Evaluators

Now we will follow the detailed steps to configure above mentioned settings.

Programme Term Configuration

The Programme Term Configuration is the function by which the admin can map the term report related configuration settings.

Steps for configuration

  • Click on the Programme Term Configuration on the Examination Settings page and then click on Add/Modify configuration button of Programme Term Configuration page.

  • Then add the following details:-

i) Exam Code

ii) Alias Name of Supplementary


iv) Minimum Passing SGPA


vi) Minimum Number of Subjects Required

vii) Number of Elective





xii) FIRST DIV. %

xiii) SECOND DIV. %

xiv) THIRD DIV. %






xx) SGPA/CGPA/Percentage Round Off Digit

xxi) SGPA/CGPA/Percentage Digits Required (Max 4)

xxii) Display Marks In Term Report

xxiii) Display Marks In Grade Card

xxiv) Display CGPA/CPI in Term Report

xxv) Display CGPA/CPI in Grade Card

xxvi) Display Final CGPA/CPI in Term Report

xxvii) Display Final CGPA/CPI in Grade Card

xxviii) Display Aggregate Marks in Term Report

xxix) Display Aggregate Marks in Grade Card

xxx) Display Aggregate Marks (Spellout) in Term report

xxxi) Display Aggregate Marks (Spellout) in Grade Card

xxxii) Display Distinction in Term Report

xxxiii) Display Distinction in Grade Card

xxxiv) Display Distinction in Percentage Based Term Report/Grade Card

Programme Detention Rules

The Programme Detention Rule is the function by which the admin can map various detention rules for particular terms.

Steps for configuration

  1. Click on the Programme Detention Rules on the Examination Settings page and then click on Add Programme Detention Rules button of Programme.

  2. Then add the following details:-

    • Rules applicable upto this term including the previous terms

    • Programme

    • Term

    • Rule Code

    • Rule Value

    • Rule Output Alias (if criteria is failed)

Add Programme Evaluators

The Admin can add the evaluators required for specific programmes from this option.

Steps for configuration

  1. Select the Programme for which the evaluation has to be done

  2. A pop-up window will appear as an outcome of it from where the admin can select the following details to add the user

  3. Organizational Unit

  4. Section Name

  5. Name

  6. User

After filling all the mandatory fields, click on the Submit button to save the updates.

Steps involved in mapping course evaluator roles with courses:

  1. Open the Academic management module

  2. Launch the following steps:-

    • Examination Module

    • Active Examination Session for which configuration has to be done

    • Evaluation

    • Add Programme Evaluators

  3. Then Select a programme for which Evaluator/Examiner needs to be added.

  4. Click on Add User to add Examiner.

Exporting the Students list (course-wise marks)

The Admin can export students from the portal.

  1. Visit https://demo.samarth.ac.in/index.php/site/login then enter the evaluator information i.e, user ID and password.

  2. Click on the Programme option available on the drop down of the Academic menu.

  3. Admin can view assigned courses of the programmes.

  4. By clicking on the eye button, Evaluator login functionality tabs will open for the assigned course like:-

    • Student List

    • Import Marks

    • Imported Marks List

  5. Click on the Launch button present on the Student List tab to open the assigned student list.

Admin can view all the assigned students and export the assigned student list in an excel sheet format of the course.

Upload and Calculate the Grade/Marks

To upload and verify the marks of the students the first 5 steps remain as it is as stated in the previous section. The next steps are:\

6. The excel sheets which were previously exported contain filled marks obtained against each student.

7. Click on the Launch button present on the Import Marks tab.

8. After clicking on the launch button the Import Student Marks page will appear.
Admin will upload the student marks obtained from the excel sheet.

Click on upload the file option to Save the updates.

9. Verification of uploaded File

  • After pressing the upload button a new page will open.

  • Admin can see all Marks filled against the student and verify if they are correctly entered or not.

  • After checking the marks evaluator presses the submit button.

Calculation of Aggregate Marks

To calculate aggregate marks of the students the first 9 steps remain as it is as stated in the previous section. The next steps are:-

10. Click on the Launch button present on the Imported Marks List tab present on the Manage Course page.

11. Admin will see only already imported marks of the student from the opened tab.

12. Steps to calculate marks of students

  • Admin have to press the Calculate Aggregate Marks button present on the top right side of the page.

  • Verify and Submit the Marks button.

  • Admin has to press the Calculate Grade and Credit button.

All Aggregate Marks, Grade & Credit will be calculated and displayed on the screen.

13. Remove calculate marks of students.

Admin can remove all the marks in all particular sections also by clicking on the remove marks button.

14. Update marks of students

  • Admin can update the single student marks by clicking on the single row view button.

  • Click on the update marks button.

  • Admin can also remove single students' marks by clicking on remove marks.

Export Marks

To Export marks of the students the first 12 steps remain as it is as stated in the previous section. The next steps are:

15. Click on the Export Customized Format

16. The Admin can export customized formats in excel format and .pdf format also

Here admin need to select:

  • Status: Status implies component-wise input status by the examiner.

  • Tag Multiple: Tags are the course components.

Admin can export these reports in the excel and PDF format.

Admin can also verify marks and calculate grade & credit for particular programmes.

Process Result & Promote Students

The admin can manage SGPA/CGPA/ Percentage from the Process Result section.

Steps for configuration:

  1. Admin have to Launch the Process Result

  2. Select the Programme

  3. Click Term Result

Then all Programme statistics page will appear on the page.

4. Click on Process Term report, admin can view and download the following reports:-

  • Excel Format(s)

  • Gazette Notifications

  • Grade Card/ SOM

  • Term Report

  • Print This Page - print html page

Promote Students

The admin can promote students to the next term by below-mentioned steps:-

  1. On the Programme statistics page, Admin can promote students by clicking on the Promote students button.

  2. Admin can either promote students one by one or in bulk.

  3. After selecting students, the admin needs to click on the Promote All/Promote button.

  4. The final step requires selecting the Academic Session and Section of the students.

External Resources

📹 Module Training Video ⤤ | v1 - Evaluation & Grading

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